Statement of Southern Christian Coalition Members on Republican Budget Resolution Vote to Repeal the Affordable Care Act
As Christians who just celebrated Christmas this is a chance to uphold those Christian values by Opposing the Reckless Plan to Rip Health Care from Millions
Nashville, TN — Southern Christian Coalition members released the following statements today on the Republican rush to rip apart the healthcare system with no replacement plan beginning with today’s budget resolution in the U.S. Senate to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
Reverend Jim Sessions of Knoxville, TN:
“Let’s be clear, a vote for the bill that repeals the Affordable Care Act is a vote to:
- Double the number of uninsured children in America, leaving an additional 4 million children uninsured.
- Give hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks to the wealthy, insurance companies, and drug manufacturers, while eliminating tax credits for millions of working families.
- Take insurance away from 30 million Americans, 82% of whom are in working families.
- Cause healthcare premiums to increase by more than 50% for millions of Americans.
- Increase taxes on millions of people who purchase their own insurance by more than $3,000 by abolishing healthcare tax credits.
- Let America’s largest corporations off the hook for providing healthcare for their employees by eliminating the requirement that companies with more than 50 employees provide insurance benefits.
- Take health coverage away from millions of low and moderate income Americans by cutting funding for Medicaid expansion.
- Cut off federal funds for preventive care to millions.
Supporting actions that bring so much harm to millions couldn’t be further from the Christian values we are all called to stand for.”
Rev. Sherry Cothran Pastor, St. John’s West UMC in Nashville, TN:
“We are praying for our elected officials and President-elect Trump to not hurt our communities by repealing the Affordable Care Act without a plan. Our concerns are based on Christian values and moral responsibility. Repeal without a replacement plan means millions of people will be harmed.”
Pastor Matt Steinhauer of Faith Lutheran Church in Lebanon, TN:
“I pray for and call on Senator Alexander and Senator Corker to just please remember the story of the Good Samaritan and Jesus’ challenge to care for the vulnerable. Don’t take health care from millions of people across our nation by repealing the Affordable Care Act without a replacement.”
Rev. Brian Merritt of Renaissance Presbyterian Church in Chattanooga:
“Will people die because of lack of healthcare? Yes. People will die. The action taken by Congressional Republicans today lit the fuse on a dangerous process that will bring immediate harm to millions of American families if it is not stopped. It is against Christian values and just wrong to rip apart access to health care without knowing what the replacement plan is to keep families healthy and secure.”
The real test for members of Congress will be their vote on the reconciliation bill. A number of Republican Senators have already expressed their concerns about a repeal and delay strategy. We are encouraged by their leadership and praying for their resolve.
About the Southern Christian Coalition:
The Southern Christian Coalition is a grassroots, all-volunteer organization believing that political debate has hijacked the pulpit, often distorting the values of our faith as we weigh important decisions as a society. We are Christians speaking up for the values of our faith.
Before Christmas Southern Christian Coalition members across Tennessee held a press call calling on Senator Alexander and Senator Corker to “This Christmas commit to upholding Christian values, Oppose Repeal of the Affordable Care Act Without a Replacement, or Millions Will Lose Health Care”