Speaker Casada Must Resign: A public servant’s moral character matters
Last week, we called on Speaker Glen Casada to resign. Speaker Casada has abused his role as public servant. We lamented that instead of serving Tennesseans, he was serving the false gods of greed and power. Today, we learned that Speaker Casada has continued to abuse his position of power by attempting to manipulate the 10-member ethics panel reviewing his actions. We again call for his resignation.
Character counts. Moral excellence counts.
A public servant’s moral character should matter to all citizens, especially God’s people, as it does to Him. We must not accept anything less than for our elected officials to live by the highest standards of morality, both in their roles as leader and citizen.
Again we say, Speaker Casada, if you are not the servant leader who respects and serves those over whom you have power, do the right thing – step away from your leadership position as Speaker of the House.