We Sing “Joy To The World” – NO EXCEPTIONS! Rev. Jim Sessions

Our thoughts and prayers go to all our sisters and brothers throughout the world suffering from the coronavirus…and to those health workers laboring to contain the virus and care for the sick.  It is coming home to us that our health is not just a private possession but is shared whether we like it or…

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Faith Leaders Say Medicaid Expansion Is A Moral Imperative

Faith Leaders Say Medicaid Expansion Is A Moral Imperative  Gov. Lee must address vulnerabilities in Tennessee’s healthcare system NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Earlier today, three pastors,  Rev. Jim Sessions, Retired United Methodist Pastor in Knoxville; Rev. Gordon Myers, Pastor at Living Word Lutheran Church, Arlington; and Rev. Jared Ruari of Shelbyville held a phone press conference…

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Faith Leaders Mark 9th Anniversary of ACA

Days before the 9th anniversary of the Affordable Care (ACA), local faith leaders and health care advocates held a press conference at Legislative Plaza calling on Attorney General Herbert Slatery to withdraw Tennessee from a lawsuit (Texas v. United States) that would overturn the ACA.

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Gov. Lee Must Also Lift Up Tennesseans Slipping Through the Cracks From Lack of Medicaid Expansion

In response to Governor Bill Lee’s State of the State address, Lenda Sherrell, state director of the Southern Christian Coalition issued the following response: “It is admirable for Gov. Lee to lift up the nearly 300,000 Tennesseans facing serious mental health challenges whom he describes as “slipping through the cracks.” We ask that Gov. Lee not overlook the roughly 163,000 Tennesseans caught in the coverage gap who are also slipping through the cracks because Tennessee has not expanded Medicaid.

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Another Rural Hospital Closes Its Doors

This time tragedy strikes Celina, a small town of 1,495 Tennesseans in Clay County. Not only will this community lose a hospital, but over 140 of our brothers and sisters will also lose their jobs.

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Celebrating MLK

As we celebrate MLK Day, we remember to see the world with an open heart rather than through darkness and hate.

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Gov. Lee’s Medicaid Stance is not Aligned with MLK’s Legacy

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Today at Tennessee State University, Dr. William Barber spoke to an audience about the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Governor Bill Lee was in the audience and did not answer Dr. Barber’s invitation to stand in support of healthcare for all Tennesseans.  Lenda Sherrell, state director of the Southern Christian…

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